Back Mobility and Shoulder Mobility
For Back Mobility the stretch we’re gonna show you is one specifically for the mid-back area. This is one you’ve probably never seen before. It’s one of our more advanced stretches. There’s a few steps to it, but once you get it down it’s pretty easy and it’s very effective.
Mid Back Mobility Demonstration
And Dr. Neil is gonna explain here as Jane demonstrates. Yeah, one of the things is you have to make sure that you really don’t have any significant pain with this. Because you’re gonna be putting your shoulders and the scapula through some different motions on this. Okay, so Jane, we’re gonna take the first one. We’re gonna come back. And what we’re gonna do is actually lower down the hands. And then we’re gonna bring the arms up. Then we’re gonna bring the shoulders forward, taking the scapulas out. Then we’re gonna bring them back where we protract the scapulas. Next we’re gonna come around with the arms coming up through. And then we’re gonna repeat that same motion with a gliding movement all through the shoulder area.
So one of the big keys to this and any other thoracic stretch or exercise, you wanna pretend like there’s a soda can here. Or maybe just a water bottle and she’s pinching it together with her scapulas there. So the whole point of this is to get these muscles stronger in this area. Therefore for your posture, for people that are rounded, it’ll bring you posture back up. So the entire time you’re doing this you wanna just pretend like you’re squeezing a water bottle in through here with just your shoulder blades.
Thanks for watching our mid back mobility video that we created for you. Hopefully these movements help your mid back and shoulder mobility! If you still are worried about your mid back or shoulder and want to get checked out by our doctor at Genesis Chiropractic Clinic, please Contact Us Here. Or call us at 215-343-3223.